Post by Hazel on Jul 18, 2006 11:37:18 GMT -5
And I'm all mixed up feeling cornered and rushed They say it's my fault but I want him so much
Painted bodice sulked of from the two males, Doriam Gray and Sedyi. She was so confused, split between them. Her love for Sedyi was true, but perhapse only because her dared to befriend her. Was what she felt for him a lie, of did he feel it too? And Dorian, the handsom bay stag, did he love her, or what it simply lust, or perhaps he did not love or lust Rain herself, but her ability to be bred and used for his own devices. If she could have thrown up, she probably would have - the way that brutes used mares was sickening, even the thought of raping and abusing a vixen was unbearable. Snorting to herself, Rain allowed her hoofbeats to carry her towards the cliff edge, the place she had fist lay eyes upon Seydi, yet had lost her gaze on the living soul of Dustin.
The rain had stopped, yet her mane still dripped from its angry attack upon the lands and the many equines that were forced to flee for thier lives. Gazing over the horizon, Rain could no longer see the frndly island that was planted in the center. She turned and gasped as she saw that the Sandy Shores had also been wiped out. She could see two ebon sillohettes sturggling over the dunes that surrounded the waters below where the lands once settled. Her namesakes could do wanderous things - replenish thirst, feed plants and animals alike, fill the oceons and rivers and clean the dirtyest of equines. Yet natuare could be cruel, and it seemed that the wilderness had its eye on the lands of NSE, and they did like what they saw.
Rain sighed and dropped her crest low below her kneees. She hadnt eaten in a while, most of the grasses were flodded. There was a little nutrishin on the cliff side under the birch trees, yet she didnt have the strength to stride over to them and nibble at the greenery. Forcing her crest upwards, she whinnied out for her love. Seydi. Dorian Grey was a liar and a cheat, and she would have nothing to do with him. Seydi was the man for her. The only stag to dare to enter the crazed mares mind and fix her shredded soul.
Post by Kindred Blue on Jul 18, 2006 13:11:23 GMT -5
++ when they stop and stare - don't worry me 'cause I'm feeling for him what she's feeling for me
Seydi shook his head vigourously, cursing the weather and how unpredictable it could be, yet still singing praises to the sky that he had been in one of the few safe places whilst the chorus line of the elements had played it's final orchestral song. Light droplets of rain took flight, released form the thick tassels that made up his mane (which all flopped back into place over one of his eyes, almost like a hairstyle for a horse).
Startlingly green eyes studied the land ahead of him as his muscles pushed past one another at a steady walking pace. Rain had been here just a moment ago - in more than one way it seemed - and now she was gone. Seydi felt a little bit like a lost puppy, chasing Rain around as he did so often, but what else was there for him to do? He was one to get attached quite easily, and it showed in his devotion to the single horse he had built bridges with.
Of course, it wasn't as easy to cross bridges as it was to build them. The dapple stallion could very safely say he was friends with the painted mare, but he could not go as far as to say he knew very much about her or how she was feeling. He was something like a "mutual aquaintance" as opposed to a best friend (and sometimes he wished the latter was closer to his reach).
He spotted her then. Her fair bodice was plain to see, and not because of its size (even in horse terms, Seydi assumed that a size comment would be offensive and rude) but because of it's quiet beauty. Even through Seydi's somewhat biased gaze, Rain was a beautiful creature and he wondered why less others had taken this into account already. Though he knew very little about her past (as mentioned already), Seydi could see the lonliness in her eyes each and everytime he looked at her, and it pained him to know there was very little he could do about the situation. What was he to do, suddenly decide he did actually like mares again, after about two years of bending the 'wrong' way?
Think, think, think, it seemed that was all the cute stallion could ever do. In the midst of all this thinking he had very quietly - silently, perhaps - reached his place at Rain's side and looked through her eyes at the same sights she saw. He was startled to notice all the lands were submerged, and even more worried to notice a fading pair of shapes fighting against the waters below. With something of a jittery edge, his eyes found the place that used to be the shores, and he realised with fear that it, too, was overtaken by the fierce element. What had become of Storm, the creature he had met there and whom had driven the realisation that Seydi was infact gay? Emotion gushed through his body as he took a slight step back, before forcing the thoughts out of his mind - he had arrived her for but one purpose, and that was to help Rain.
Images of Dorian Grey flashed in Seydi's intelligent mind and he bristled a little out of anger, the feeling flodding back, those feelings he had felt when stuck between the mare and the stallion. Seydi, at least, realised that there had been untrue intentions there, but had Rain also figured it out? He looked at her with an essence of hidden doubt, not daring to speak and break the beauty of the somewhat uncomfortable moment.
i fall out of grace
Post by Hazel on Jul 18, 2006 13:54:15 GMT -5
I keep closing my eyes but I can't block you out Wanna fly to a place where it's just you and me
As she stood, mane drieying quickly, wavering out towards the lonely sunset. Rain stared out longingly at its doeful shadow, seeping slowly down into the oceon. Its falmes soon to be extinguished, murdered into a bloody dusk. As she thought it, the skies were filled with the pain of the suns rays, and showing the pain within its viewrs orbs. Rain sighed and looked back out to the shores, only for it to be blocked by a familiar face. Seydi had appeared silently besides her. Shocked, she stepped backwards, throwing out her mane. She grinned as him and changed her stance, as if she had simply been swipping away a simple fly and not shying awya from her dearest friend.
"Hey Seydi..."
She murmered with a smile, nuzzling his ebon maw happily. Her chocolate brown pools scanned over his dappled bodice, its smokey hue so beautiful, so perfect, it took her breath away. Her eyes met up with his, the emerald green optics she so longingly wished for her future foal to have, if she even had one. Yet she seemed to be stuck in the friend era, though perhapse, one day, it would get further...
Post by Kindred Blue on Jul 18, 2006 14:12:48 GMT -5
++ nobody else - just so we can be free (nobody else, so we can be free)
What was this - she stepped away? A bolt of wonder and concern struck Seydi in the split second she turned, his keen senses immediately picking up on the sudden emotions his arrival had caused - before she locked them away and soothed him with a smile that he could not help but return, as a mirror of her own face spread across his.
It pleased him to see that she appeared happy - of course, 'appeared' being the operative word. Good a horse as Seydi was, it was unlikely that he'd be able to see through any mask Rain may put on. A mask upon a stranger, perhaps, but never upon a friend (perhaps it was another one of those rather pointless moments where reality worked in reverse, probably just to confuse the poor guy). But for the time being, the dapple stallion was happy in the belief that her happiness was genuine.
He did not see her cast her eyes over his own bodice, and probably wouldn't have minded even if he had seen the motion, as he returned the nuzzle kindly and somewhat lovingly - in that "I'll always take care of you" sort of way. It could be intercepted in many ways, most through love and the rest through friendship, but Seydi's pure innocence saw only the friendly side of things. He didn't exactly expect that he would ever have to tell Rain he was gay, because he never imagined she would have any sort of reason to know.
hip hip hooray for me
Post by Hazel on Jul 18, 2006 14:29:08 GMT -5
Wanna fly him away where the sun and rain Come in over my face wash away all the shame
Rain felt her face heat up as Seydi nuzzled her, it was seemingly lovingly, gentle and kind. She nickered gently as he did, eyes closing, relaxed in the company of her greated allie. Moving closer, the step back she had formly taken was reversed in a fluid movement. Her side was lightly brushed over his silver pelt as she gazed upwards at him. It was a shock that the sudden face of Dorian Grey appeared in her mind. She shook it away and trotted from Seydi's side, the confusion swelling up within her once more.
A sigh rumbnled from within her chest, as she stared out the the cruel seas that seemed always to amaze, yet detroy, the living creatures of the land. As a foal, Rain had been fastinated by the seas, to travel them would have been a dream. Yet that dream seemed to travel further and further away from her as she realised what dangers lurked within them. But another dream lay rest within her mind, though the image had faded and was rough around the edges. As a filly, she had looked around at the other mares and thier mates, to her peers and her siblings. As she grew, she felt a strong bond with those younger than herself. She couldnt wait to have a colt or filly of her own with the stag she loved. Yet that picture had sped so far from the inocent mare that she could no longer see a prancing foal nor a handsom stag. She saw herself, alone, dying amongst the crashing waves. Both dreams shattered in a single moment, as water and life merged together and died.
Her serpentine slipped down, orbs closing tighly in pain of what she had forseen that night, and ever since the nightmare had repeated itself. It had reoccured every night since Dustin had died, yet was fading faster as she got closer to Seydi's heart. What would happen if she found that he did not, indeed, love her back, she did not know, but she was sure it would break her scarred heart. Dorian Greys image continued to fill her mind, she tried ignoring it and instead thought of the other stags within her life; Bayard, Dustin, Seydi and Shadow, but it did not help. It just caused even more pain and her eyes to water uncomfortably. She snorted angrily at her own memories and looked up at Seydi. The image gave her an idea. Would he be jelous if she brought up the scoundral, Dorian Grey? If so, perhaps he did love her...
"What do you think of that brute, Seydi, that stranger, Dorian Grey? The stag for me, perhaps?"
Post by Kindred Blue on Jul 23, 2006 5:50:58 GMT -5
++ nobody else - just so we can be free (nobody else, so we can be free)
His touch struck true as she returned the gesture and he smiled softly at her from his strange place above her (as usually, he would have been much too small to look down upon the draft body of his friend), and her nicker came as a pleasant sound to his twitching ears. But then the scenery changed, and she moved away in a swift movement, her hooves clicking ever so slightly on the barren ground. The stallion rearranged his handsome features once more into a look of innocent confusion, his green eyes seeking hers and feeding the air endless streams of questions that his tongue was having problems forming.
There was nothing he could do but stand by and watch, afraid that any movements toward her would spark somethng difficult; for Seydi knew that Rain was a fair yet troubled creature and he had no wish to add to her burdens. She stood like a statue, gazing out over the world, engulfed by water as it was. Seydi's heart stopped for perhaps a second as he looked at the sea once again, his mind and body fearing the water, finally seeing what power it held over the earth and how very easily it could wipe out life. In that moment, that heart stopping moment, Seydi almost felt as if he and Rain were the only two left alive, and safe, stood on the only remaining (yet thinning) grasses.
And oh, sweet release, she turned again and gave him.. well, it was communication of sorts - an angry snort. The neat stallion quickly bypassed this, assuming that her anger was in now way directed to himself and gave her a faint smile in return, gormless and stupid as it would have looked. A name floated through his mind as she spoke it; Dorian Grey?
Seydi tilted his head to the side somewhat, the smile fading into yet another look of confusion, before moving swiftly to dawning realisation. Dorian Grey - that crazy (and tall, and strong..) stag that he'd found Rain with; Dorian Grey, that stallion that Seydi had taken a dislikng to. He snorted then, a mirror of her sound, before speaking.
"The stallion for you my furry butt."
i'm hanging on the telephone
Post by Hazel on Jul 23, 2006 13:33:27 GMT -5
I can try to pretend I can try to forget But it's driving me mad going out of my head
Usualy, that sort of reaction would have sent her in a fury, if, of corse, she had been seriously about the 'stag for her' thing. But it wasnt, and she got just the reaction she had wanted. Maybe not a jelous reaction, but he was negative towards the brute. Seydi obviously wanted to protect her. She allowed a merry laugh to escape her chest, filling her own heart with glee. She moved back besides him and nudged him sharply with her maw, playfully tugging at his tassles. She stopped mucking about and simply stood grinning at him, the expression on her face was, for once, genuine.
"Then who, Seydi, would be the stallion for me, do you think? So far my choices havnt been so good, perhaps you could choose for me?"
He asked, nuzzling him under his chin happily. Oh how she wished for a foal, who she wished that he knight in shining (and dappled grey) armour would rescue her and sweep her off her hooves. She was getting too old, ten years was alot to live with. She was nearing the double digits fast and, when foaling began, she would hit her borthday and make it to the big 'one zero'. She didnt want to breed at the age of ten, it was her last chance to be happy, to have a foal on her tenth year. It would be glorious after so many years of waiting. Life would have finaly been worth living.
She snorted and gazed back out to the seemingly neverending waters. For once they seemed as happy as she was, glistening under the high sun. She could see the erie shapes of dolphins leaping to and fro, or perhaps they were simply fictional creatures made up in her mind. She foten allowed her mind to wander freely, it was just a simply habit, it made life just a bit more bearable at the hjardest times. But when she was happy, she didnt have to loose her body in thought. Glazed brown orbs lifted back from the cliff side and down onto Seydis. It was quite obvious that she was looking over his mustang seeming pelt once more before meeting him with her gaze.
Post by Kindred Blue on Jul 23, 2006 15:19:41 GMT -5
++ nobody else - just so we can be free (nobody else, so we can be free)
Naturally, his words were immature and funny, Seydi never being one to keep a "serious" situation particularly serious for a large gap of time. Her laugh was greeted with a suave grin from himself as he winked one eye at her playfully as he tossed back his head and let the wind catch his thick black mane - only seconds before Rain herself held that mane in her jaws and was flinging it around like a cat on a stick (not that cats on sticks were thrown around regularly).
That smile, it was there again - if Seydi had been even remotely thoughful at that point in time, he probably would have wondered why Rain's emotions changed so fast, and probably would have concluded that she was just like her watery counterpart - unpredictable, always changing, and powerful, yet a friend to a fair few. of course, since Seydi obviously was not very thoughtful that day, he certainly did not think any of this, as he usually would have.
Seydi just had to be confusing.
Words, words, words, and they flooded his keen senses again as he flicked another ear (bad habit, really) and pondered his reply, his tongue tasting the roof of his mouth as he looked upward to the sky for an answer. Not that the sky would help, of course, he already knew he had no reply to that, but it would help for Rain to think he was pondering the question. His face clouded over in what could possibly be a thoughtful look but was actually a glazed over gaze of ultimate nothingness.
And, interesting as this job was, he drew his thoughts (or pretend thoughts) away from it to look back at Rain. He raised an eyebrow to find her looking down his on body with what could be something of an unhealthy interest, and smirked at her before laughing cheerily. "Oh I don't know, a dapple grey creature perhaps?" He chuckled, his meaning entirely jokey and playful.
because you're everywhere to me
Post by Hazel on Jul 24, 2006 2:57:10 GMT -5
.Rain. Tell me what do you see? Yes, I've lost my mind
She smiled shyly at his answer, was it true? Did his words honestly direct her love towards him, or was he simply joking, as he was before? He tossed her white washed tassles, sedning them flying out besides Seydis own ebon strings. She didnt know what to think, was it a sign or a misunderstanding? Well she certianly knew what she wanted it to be, but what you want isnt always what you got. Take her history for example. But she threw caution to the winds and ignored her doubts about the seemingly straight stallion as she tucked her chin - with some effort and alot of knee bending - under his. After a short nuzzle under his snout, she moved away from the uncomfortably position and nibbled at his twitching aude. She had noticed that, that he twitched it a bit too often. She found herself, once more, just staring at him lustfully, tassles streaming out in the high winds and whipping her crets and withers merrily. The feathers about her heels dances to, swinging back and forth in the breeze. She grinned and found her gaze wondering, back down to the shores. The two ebon figures were gone. Safe, she hoped. Not that she even knew who they were. She turned her attentions back to Seydi and pondered over his answer, yet her thoughts were gnuine, unlike his won staring at the heavens. She stared at the oceon, as susal, and looked for guidance. She didnt know why, it never rbought her happiness, but she continued to do it. Little did she know it would bring further misfortune to the unknowing mare.
"Daplled grey you say? I would quite agree if that grey stag was being serious."
She smiled and nuzzled his boa, audes perked high above her crania. Banner twitched restlessly, then she heard it. Faint hoofbeats were heard, uneven at though the creature had a limp, or was attempting to climb uneven rocks. She turned, wide eyed, to find the source. She found it quickly as two midnight black pillars placed themselves on the cliff edge, followed by an ebon face. Seeing as she was in a happy mood, she decided to help for once, and rushed over to aid the stag. Grabbig his mane, which she knew would not hurt the poor creature, she began to pull upwards. She whinnied for Seydi to help her. Though of shire blood, she was still weak in age and was getting a rather bad backbone. The stag, dubbed Flamed Storm, was nickering a thanks to the painted shire and struggled to help her. As he watched her whinny, he turned his head sharply to the side and saw Seydi. He grinned, rather shyly, and whinnied to him. Usualy, Storm would have easily climbed up the rocky side of the cliff leading from his home, but the flooed shores and wounded leg made it far harder for him. Usuin only his right back leg and his front pillars, he pushed himself upwards and lay, panting, on the stone, his flesh wound visable. Rain took a step back and stred at the gash in his leg. So she had guessed right; Faint hoofbeats were heard, uneven at though the creature had a limp, or was attempting to climb uneven rocks. She snorted and turned to Seydi, questioning him with only her glance. She turned back, feeling it polite to gret the withered stallion.
"Hello lord, I am Rain, why do you climb up this ridge with such a wound upon you?"
The stag looked up and grinned. He coudnt speak with lack os breath, but he pointed his maw towards Seydi uncomfortably whilst lying helplessly. He doubted they would get it, but he simply came after seeing the pair on the cliff side, and seeing that one was brigh dappled grey with black socks, maw and tassles. That could only be one creature; Seydi. He had only come to see if he was right, the stag wasnt exactly right minded to limp up the cliffs alone, but he had nonetheless. She closed his eyes for a few moments, then struggled upwards , leaning slightly on the mare, though Rain threw him a slightly confused, exaggerated glance at this. She wasnt a wall or tree or a human chair, so leaning on her just annoyed her. She didnt say anything though, the stag needed help. She raised her brow and glances at Seydi. Storm smiled and caught his breath. He spoke in low, tired tones.
"Seydi...I came to see you, I havnt seen you for ages... Were having troubles down at the shores."
He closed his eyes but perked up his audes to listen to Seydi, or Rain, if they spoke to him. Rain was, at first, surprised that the ebon stag knew Seydis name, but realised Seydi had to have know other horses besides her in his life. She snorted and sighed, her shoulders aching from the stress of him leaning most of his wieght on her. She threw yet another glance at Seydi, showing that she was in pain with the small, yet heavy, stag leaning upon her.
Post by Kindred Blue on Jul 24, 2006 6:21:33 GMT -5
++ this feeling - is for him and not she (have i crossed the line?)
There were touches galore and Seydi failed to see the hidden intamacy behind all of Rain's actions as he smiled innocently at her (a grin that could be quite humourous if one saw the plain belief behind those sparkling green eyes, a plain belief in simplicity, and a look to look straight past the obvious). Seydi's body was becoming something like a fresh field of grass - his mare friend grazed happily alongside him, only he was the thing to be nibbled and stroked. It all would have been a very 'sexual' sort of matter, if, of course, Seydi had been even remotely interested.
Speech greeted these actions with a before-practiced handshake (you know, the sort that made everybody else want to learn one) and Seydi remained still as he listened (the ear twitch stopping for once as the words finally shocked him into realisation). Whoa, whoa, let's take a step back for a minute - her reply gave his intelligent mind the force it needed to move a few steps ahead and finally realise what she meant. Was she.. was this.. did Rain.. love him?
Love. Love was a difficult word and people said it everyday, but all with different meanings. If a horse could bite its lip, Seydi would be doing that right now, as he hoped somewhat that Rains use of the word 'love' was not as strong as it seemed. Trying to convince himself away from the inevitable, perhaps.
The fair dappled stallion was spared having to give a reply as Rain moved away, her senses clearly keener than his own as the faint 'clip clop' noise of hooves reached her ears before it reached his own. The scent flooded his nose, though, and he twitched his nose (off he goes again), hardly daring to believe the very air around him. His green eyes opened wider as Rain dragged the body of the stallion further up the cliff - well if it wasn't -
"Storm!" Seydi exclaimed with joy, all past problems forgotten in the wave of happiness that this black stallion's arrival brought. Because of course, Seydi was head over heels for Storm, and only those two knew it. He trotted forewards, his heart as high as a kite as he caught the smile that the weakened stallion threw. But as words drifted towards him, Seydi's expression shifted into one of concern.
Problem at the shores, huh? Seydi turned his head away and looked outward once more, trying not to laugh, but still letting a neat smile cross his jaw. Problem? The place was flooded! Seydi's bright green eyes could not fail to see the abundance of water that glittered and sparkled innocently around the cliff, winking as if it had done nothing wrong. 'You drowned us,' the dead would cry, and the water would say 'I did nothing of the sort,' and just go on its way. Seydi twisted his head back to the meeting, looking to Rain and catching onto to her annoyance and confusion. With a smile that was somewhat apologetic, the stallion trotted closer and stood to Storm's other side, flicking his tail and nickering his communications that Storm should lean on him instead.
"Troubles might be an understatement, buddy, your home is underwater." Seydi spoke, his voice somewhat jittery, but only because butterflies lined his tummy (which was doing a 400 spin wash).
and if i just lay here
Post by Hazel on Jul 24, 2006 7:56:47 GMT -5
.Storm. I'm feeling for him what he's feeling for me
He snorted blissfully and grinned awkwardly at the gay stag, leaning on his dappled pelt instead of the much larger shires. He sighed, staring out at his home, his fathers grave, wondering if the rains would ever leave the shores herd be. It seemed that there was a curse upon those seemingly blessed lands, those tranquil beaches were ruined from bloodspil, fire and rain. What would be next? He didnt want to think about that. Closing his eyes and sighing, her hung his head and nodded. Seydi was right, but it got worse. Worse for Storm, that is.
"I can see that Seydi...Its because of then cursed seas that I got this wound. But its not what I speak of. My mate, Dream...Shes pregnant with anothers child."
He lifted his head slightly and looked sideways at the slightly younger steed. He didnt pay much attention to the old paint mare, how could he know she knew his father? Audes were low, eyes were glazed over and defeated. He felt as if his lands had been stolen by some dreadful beast, and his mate taken alongside. The worst part was, he wasnt sure if she had allowed the stag or not. Had she even fought back? He doubted it. She had been ignorant towards him ever since thier daughter was stolen, presumably from those no good outlaws, Soul and Rose. That damned paint brute, though exiled her conued to followed Storm, pleading for forgivness. Was it Storms lack of remorse that forced the shires into such a frenzy of child snatching?
He looked up and grinned as Seydi, though it was obvious that it was a sorry smile, as if apologising for even trying to make it with a femme. Maybe Seydi was right, perhaps gayness was the right path. Exept, of corse, for one thing. An heir. Not that it would be possible for him to mate, his leg was praticaly hanging by a single ligament. He groaned in agony at the wound, his bone was visable througha slight gap in the center of the shark bite. He looked up at his frirneds face. That tender, loving face, the humerous stag that had given him his first true feelings of happiness. It was inevitable. His father was sex crazed, his son was bisexual. He didnt exactly hate mating, but it wasnt like other stags that longed for it. He had only done it once with the one he thought he loved, but perhaps he was desperate to he straight, or maybe just needed as hier so despratly he fell for the first lonely mare he came across. He was mixed up, confused. He tucked his head under Seydis, eyes drifting shut..Rain. Have I crossed the line?
Rain stared in bewilderment at the pair. What the fuck was going on!? She stared at them for several minuted, feeling pitty for the ebon stag. He had lost his home, his mate and, presumably, his leg. She doubted if things could get better any time soon. They definatly couldnt for Rain. She turned, soul flooding with tears, yet, of corse, she could not show them outside her pretty bdoice. This time there was a reason to be upset. He turned sharply and began to gallo, eyes closed, head down, as far as she could away from her love and the stranger. Seydi didnt love her, he didnt even care for her! When alone her simply stood and made lame jokes, but as soon as the stag came by he was suddently happy, as if Rains company wasnt good enough for him.
She slowed by a young tree and kicked out with her heels, craking its rough surface with her daggers. She continued to buck and trash about until her anger had fully vented out, and the tree was left broken on the ground. She stood, sobbing silently, head down and sweat from her beating trickling over her pelt. She just had gt away, she didnt care if a stag came along and raped her, at least then she would get a foal, even if it was a stallion she didnt love. She collapsed into a weeping heap, curling her head over and lifting her banner. She let her scent carry down to Seydi, Storm and any other stallion in the area. She was fed up pf waiting. She was sick and tired of her life stabbing her in the back. She didnt want to die, but it seemed it was the only way to end her suffering. Her eyes gazed longinly back to the pair, looking past them, she eyed the cliff longingly. She stood, legs trembling, ready to run. She had done it before, she had jumped of the cliff side, only to miss every one of the rocks and to arrive safetly. That was bad when she knew Dustin and when he had killed himself, she had tried to follow, but life wasnt eager on letting her go just yet...
Post by Kindred Blue on Jul 24, 2006 8:34:00 GMT -5
++ everytime i look - you're never there (but when i close my eyes you're everywhere)
It was with sorrow and worry that Seydi's gaze flashed to the battered leg of the creature he now supported, drawing a sharp intake of breath at the blood and the bone but thanking the world that the bone itself was not broken. A flesh wound would heal soon enough, and Storm had been luckier than he thought.
Seydi's gentle face was caressed with concern once more as Storm choked out his words; mate? The word held a dark meaning fo Seydi and another arrow, straight from Cupid's bow, shot into his strong chest to splinter the previous one. Confusion was setting in, depression that perhaps the only creature he had ever.. loved, perhaps? The only creature he had ever loved, loved another - a damn mare. But his talk pedalled on, the mare was a whore, ands he was pregnant again with the foal of another stallion. The grey steed snorted, perhaps challening the emotions that the black stag was far too tired to show by himself, unquestioned anger foaming ever so slightly in his breast as he cursed the wretch who could betray such a stallion.
Of course, there was no doubt in Seydi's mind now. Back when the two had first met, they had been plagued by confusion and unfathomable belief that to love another of the same sex was wrong, and so nothing had spawned and they had gone their different ways. But meeting years later, now each able to think for themselves and decide what really is right and wrong, the feelings that had only begun to weave could now be rekindled and tamed. Seydi was older and wiser, but he was still gay - and he had only ever fallen for Storm.
As Storm tucked his head beneath Seydi's, those green eyes opened, seeing the beauty of the truth, before closing with affection as he gave the other stallion a nuzzle, feeling reassured now and doubting any refusal. Though he knew it would be difficult, Seydi held a firm belief that now, they could make something of their relationship. Mates, really, but never to mate one another and never to be mated by another.
With an audible crash, the mirror image of this dream was shattered - and so was a bystanding tree. Seydi's ears pinned atop his head as he turned his crown in bewilderment, gazing across the land to the now infuriated Rain, who was murdering the strong feat of nature with the wrath of all the gods. Fear struck a bolt through the dappled stallion's eyes as he watched her rage unfold and he would have stepped back, had he not been supporting one he held dear.
And then she stopped, she stopped, and stood miserably - before changing again, raising her tail and flooding Seydi's nose with her breedable scent (at which he wrinkled his nasals, not in disgust but simply because the smell was not attractive to him) and... she asked to be mated? By any random stallion? More concern drove through him then, as he stuterred some words.
"R-Rain. Stop that." His words were not commanding, they were quiet and full of emotion, fear for himself and for her and concern for what she was letting herself in for. If a stallion arrived now and raped her, Seydi would never fogive himself, would feel eternally responsible for the atrocity that his dearest friend would have to go through. "You don't want that." More words spoken, now that his quick mind had pieced everything together. He spoke without directly saying 'I know you want a foal' deliberately giving her the upper hand and giving her some glory - sacrificing decieving Storm by making him think that Rain and Seydi held a secret, done only so Rain could feel she was important to him. Which, of course, she certainly was - just not in the way she wanted to be.
tell me how i got this far
Post by Hazel on Jul 24, 2006 9:52:55 GMT -5
.Rain. But it's driving me mad, going out of my head
She stared steadily at the cliff as if challening it, asking it to throw everything at her, give her what she deserved. Rest, even throgh death, would be a glorious sensation for the mare. Even more so than when he viginity had been stolen by that villian Bayrd, he was a crap lover, and an ignorant brute. It seemed that all males, though caring, were ignorant. Seydi included. He hadnt even noted her leave, until, that is, she had smashed through the tree. She didnt want to listen to him, but his words were sweet within her audes. They turned sour quite quickly as his usual jokes and kind words changed into a command. Rain, stop that... She glared at him, snorting. You dont want that... How the fuck did he know what she wanted? She hissed at him through a clenched jaw. Why did he even care, the stupid gay bastard? Gay...She threw a quick glance to the injured stag. They were gay? How could she have been so stupid? All the handsom men are gay... She was angry at herself for not realising, but how could she have known, he never hade his exuality an issue, and there were so many signs that he might have loved her in return.
She snorted and arched her crest, flicking her banner even higher, just to put her point across. She couldnt care less anymore, she had had enough of life and all its stupid surprises. If she had a foal, perhaps she could survive just a little longer to carry on her lines. She didnt want to leave the realm with nothing to show that she had been there, not that anyone would care if she did vanish quite suddently from the world. Seydi and his little gay friend would laugh and rape one another happily, glad that there was no female interuption. It was strange though, that Storm had mentioned a mate. Perhaps Seydi was the same as Rain, loving one that quite obviously didnt love him back? No, it couldnt be right, that nuzzle the ebon gave was both sad and lustful. She turned away, but not before she spoke to Seydi.
"You dont know what I want, you wouldnt care anyway, so why pretend that you do!? Is it just to impress your little friend, to show how kind you are? Its all a lie Seydi, your a liar, you never even told me...I thought you were my friend..."
'But then again, I though Dustin loved me, and he went and killed himself right before my eyes...' Her eyes closed, screwed up in fustration. She stood silently shaking for a moment, sweat dripping from her shoulder bades. With a shudder, she turned back, but not facing the brutes. She snorted, the cliff was calling to her...
She reared, a rush of adrenaline broke forth as she cantered towards the drop. She sped, her canter changing into a well balanced gallop. Her back bone ached as she curled and straightened it rythicly, heart beats in time with her many hoof beats. It was time. She was ready to dive....Storm. I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed
He snorted, pulling away from Seydi rather slowly, not wanting to seem like he was rejecting the gay stag, but rather to make the confused mare a little more relaxed. He stepped away, the pressure on his good leg was great, yet it was for the patched mares interest. Nudging Seydi, he glanced over to the shire.
"Help her..."
He muttered, turning away from Rain as she glanced over at him. He stared at the ground, forcing himself to stand without falling. He was rather unbalanced, but steadied himself easily by leaning against a large rock. The rock was stained crimson, but it didnt matter much. In fact, it cooled his wound and eased the pain a little. He gave a satisfied sigh and returned his gaze to Seydi and the paint mare. He gasped, watching her stride over towards the cliff side. He would usualy have helped but during helping the last mare he found stranded he recived a rather large and painful prize. He knew it would be a scar in future years. He wanted to block her way, but her sheer size and weight would make doing that quite dangerous. If she had been smaller, he would have knocked into her side and sent her to the geo, he couldnt do that either. Firstly, he couldnt leap into her, not that it would help. She was alot bigger than himself. He whinnied to Seydi to do something, his eyes were wide, fearful for the mare. She would surly die if she threw herself over the cliff side...
Post by Kindred Blue on Jul 24, 2006 10:24:51 GMT -5
++ all the things - you said, all the things she said (running through me head, running through my head)
There was very little Seydi could do but watch in confusion and pain as she shunned his words and continued to force on a slutty front, and his heart began to race as he watched her movements. Words - damn them to infernal hell for the final time - shot through his chest with a pain so unreal that it sparked a hellish anger within him. She had no idea what she was talking about!
His voice grew stronger, his image more powerful and he roared his words then. "No, Rain! You don't know what I've been through and the torment I've lived with! Being told that the only thing you truely feel is wrong, being abused for who you are!" His voice, strong and true, yet not hiding the emotion behind his words and the hurt it caused him to speak of it all again. "And you - so goddamn unpredictable, how could I ever know if you would do the same as all the rest? You never show who you really are! My choice was to stay with you and tell you eventually or just tell you and risk having the shit beaten out of me yet again!" The last few words were screamed with pain and if a horse could cry, his handsome face would be washed by tears of fury and hurt as his green eyes tried to hide the stories and the rumours.
Storm's tired voice called to him and Seydi left the stallion gently, assuring he could stand before turning back to Rain and seeing her rush for the edge of the cliff again. Had he been more self centered, he would've cried 'Oh not again!', but true to his uncannily kind nature, he raced to her aid, though the pain of her words and his own retaliation still pounded through his veins.
He cut her off before she reached the edge but his entrance was sudden as so she had no time to stop - the two bodies collided and Seydi locked eyes with Rain, true fear in his gaze as his body slipped backward over the edge. His limbs scrambled for a hold, but his back legs had already dropped; thus Seydi neighed in fear, grasping at the grassy edges with his forelegs before clamping his jaws on a stury looking plant.
And through the fear for his own life, he still would have cried for Rain, if he could. Through this fear, he was so scared that perhaps Rain didn't care that she could be responsible for his death, should he fall, and that hurt more than any rock that could break his back. Still he moved his back legs frantically, searching for a stable hold to push himself back up with.
yes you've crossed the line
Post by Hazel on Jul 24, 2006 11:59:50 GMT -5
.Rain. Will I ever be free?
His words cuased her beats to slow, realising that though he was gay did not mean that he was no longer a friend. That all his life he had been through worse than Rain herself, yet chose to take pitty on her, to protect her from the stags that wished only to use her. But he had lied, had he not? Techniacally he hadnt, he never once said he was straight. Though all his words sent arrows streaming through her soul, one line hurt more than the rest, and it brought a faint realisation to mind; You never show who you really are... Did Rain even know who she was, or was she simply a bundle of abstract emotions, spare parts that just had to be used up? She was a monster, but not for being such an unpredictable creature, but for saying what she had said to her dear Seydi. She wanted to take it back, to stop and reasurre him like he had aided her in past weeks. But she couldnt, she felt her pillars streaming towards the cliff, she couldnt hold on.
Eyed wide and ringed with that ghastly white hue, Rain threw back her crest and attempted to slow her racing withers, but it was too late. There were only five or six strides between her and the edge...Five, four three... Seydi blocked the way. Though she had been so cruel to him, so ignorant, he still wanted to save her, even if it caised him pain as she knew it would. Her bodice was so darn big, she hated it. But she couldnt focus of self loathing right now. Seydi was in danger, and herself. Seydi, she had to save him, even if it caused her own life to end. Not that she would give a damn, she cared not for her own body. Only one stride away from hitting Seydi. Her legs froze and she tumbled forwards, knocking Seydi down, her eyes met his bright green orbs as he fell, she screamed out as he did, maw leaning down and attemtping to grab his mane as she did with Storm not long ago. She missed and only his tlons cept him from sailing downwards into the oceon. The waves crashed down below, the rocks stained crimson from the many souls that had fell there. She couldnt loose another to those god damned cliffs. She just couldnt.
"Seydi...Im so sorry Seydi, I-"
She was interupted by the ebon stag wouls screamed out to her with commanding words. As much as she hated being told what to do, Storm was right. She stopped the meaningless words and leant down, grabbig his mane in her jaws. She pulled with all her effort, which was alot though she was getting old. Shire blood helped and she tried alot harder to save Seydi than when she had merly helped Storm. She pulled and pulled, eyes closed and screwed in concentration. She didnt know if she was helping or not, she just pulled and pulled. Suddenly she fell back, sprawled on the ground. She didnt even know if Seydi had been pulled up or not. She was afraid to open her eyes incase she discovered her had fallen from the rocks. She could never forgive herself if he died, it was all her fault....Storm. Tell me what do you see?
He watched as the mare seemed to slow, but only slightly, before seemingly deciding to continue her rampage. He doubted she would ever stop and he feared she would fall. He struggled for a moment, trying hard to stand and help, yet his legs were weak. Instead, he was forced to simply watch as Seydi perfomed the deed and stepped in front, even the sight of her former friend couldnt stop the angry mare. He wondered why she was so hung over the gay horse anyway, she wasnt exactly ugly, any stag would be happy to have her. She wasnt too old, around his fathers age if he had been alive. Her patched pelt shimmered, her tassles flew out gracefully. he shook his head, mares were not a part of his life anymore, so why look at one lustfully as he was doing? He felt dirty for even thinking such things about a mare that was old enough to be his mother.
Jaw wide, he watched as they collided just as the mare attempted to stop. She was fine, she only tripped a little and stumbled to the ground. Seydi on the other hand had fallen down. Storm screamed.
"Seydi! Nooo!"
He stood despite the pain and limped over as fast as he could. Rain was leaning over, attempspite his lovers peril. He rolled his eyes despite his lovers peril. He nudged her sharply.
"Save him fool, I cant do anything in this state!"
Rain hesitated, nodded and obeyed his command. Three years of being lead did him good. He easily got the mare to do his bidding. His heart beat increased as he stood heplessly watching the shire attempt to save his friend. He stood behind her, he had to do something. He grabbed her banner in her jaws and pulled back She jerked and both mare and stag fell back in a heap, he landed sharply on his injurder leg, screaming in agnoy. Rain slid of him quickly, but coninued to lie, eyes closed. He glance at her, he knew why she refused to look at the edge, even Storm found it difficult to look up. But he had too find out what had happened. He raised his brow wearily, hoping to god that his beloved was alive...