Post by stitchedskull on Jun 22, 2006 12:32:06 GMT -5
Finally, the three were safe. The cream hued creature made sure of it. He trailed after the two black and white mares, making sure they didn't slip on their path up the rocky cliffs. Finally, he nudged his love up on the last rock, and onto the grey-green grass. Once he was sure they were away from the ledge, he jumped up. A hind caught and slipped, throwing him down, but he picked himself up and trotted from the ledge to find the mare's. Never had he seen so many horses about the cliffs. Some were wanderers, looking for mates, but most were from lower lands looking for shelter, like them.
First, he took his buisness to check the ebon mare over for injury. Trotting ot her side, he ran his velvents along her hide, snuffling and snorting into her hide lovingly. Lipping her banners, he finally nuzzled her crown.
"I love you." He whispered quietly, before turning to look at her mother. He wondered what she thought of him, of them. If she approved or disaproved. SHe seemed to like Drift, but he wasn't sure. And he wondered if she was happy for her daughter, or scared. Or jealous.
"Are you alright after the walk?" He asked Magic, then looked up to Feather, signaling he wouldn't mind an answer from her either. A heavy breath filled his lungs as he nudged Magic, then pointed to an empty tree with his maw. He walked towards it, looking to see if they would follow him to the make-shift shelter.
Post by wolf2 on Jun 24, 2006 11:22:45 GMT -5
†. Dance in the breeze... †. Feather reached the cliff, and began to walk up it. She was careful not to slip on the wet earth. She looked back to see driftwood helping Magic up, he was suck a gentle stallion. Feather smiled, she was happy for her daughter. She would be a grand-mother some day, and Feather couldn't wait. She thought back to her foalhood. The death of her mother on that horrible day. Then being taken away by humans during the war, and finding her brother. She had heard that her father was dead, and this relived her. Her father wouldn't be able to hurt her, her brother, or Magic. †. Feather looked out to the angry sea. The waves were rising, and ultimately crashing into the cliff wall. She looked back to see ash, and burnt, wet ground... would the lands become normal? She hoped so. She looked back out toward the sea. She noticed the island was smaller... it was flooding. She remembered the lead stallion there, Windago... she had met him once. At this very cliff. She hoped all the equines of the island would be alright. She began to think about the horses of the shores... and hoped they would be alright.
†. Can you feel it? †. Magic smiled as Driftwood helped her up. She was glad he showed up, and saved her from a heart break she thought would never heal. She felt a shutter through her jet body when he spoke. His words were like a healing sent down from above. She nuzzled him, letting her black forelock stay to one side. Her mane was wet, and it stuck to her neck. Her white blaze still remained bright, and her jet coat was dark. Her coat, however, was ragged. She couldn't help but nuzzle him again. She looked at her mother, who was deep in thought... what was she thinking about?
†. "I'm fine Driftwood..."
†. She spoke softly, in an almost whisper. She looked at the lands before her, and a gasp danced across her maw. They were nothing but wet earth and ash. She hoped this weather would stop soon... for she wanted her home back the way it was. She didn't like all this land being distored...
Post by stitchedskull on Jun 30, 2006 18:38:48 GMT -5
(IT'S SPRING!!!! *wink wink* Horsey love. ^^ Should it just be.... performed here? In this thread?)
Post by wolf2 on Jul 1, 2006 14:09:44 GMT -5
[.I guess... but lets wait one more post.... because I have to do aomething with Feather...]
Post by stitchedskull on Jul 1, 2006 20:52:31 GMT -5
(Sounds good to me.)
Sadened amber pools took in the sites of the the once beautiful land. The expance of grass and sprouting trees was almost baren, looking almsot as if the side of the cliff was lifted to face the heavens. However, it was better than some of the lands. Some trees had managed to escape the flames, and in small patches grass was still in better condition than most. His brow pressed into her withers, turning her towards a small, crooked tree. It really was hardly a tree, just a pathetic sprig of life amongst the baren ash. Below it was a small bit of grass.
"There. You should eat." He whispered quietly to her. Ivory faced skull lifted and glanced back to view Feather, smiling softly. He turned towards her, glancing to be sure his dove would get to the grass. Walking slowly towards his love's mother, he brushed her in greeting.
"Are you alright?" He asked quietly, looking at her with a soft worry. It's wasn't the look he would give an injured foal, but a family member who might seem troubled. It hadn't been long since he had known the mare, and already he adored her. Perhaps that's the love that makes stallions want to find a herd and stay, not be a wanderer until the day they die. "You should come over as well, there's some decent grass by Magic."
Post by wolf2 on Jul 7, 2006 13:11:27 GMT -5
†. Dance in the breeze... †. The painted shire mare's icy pools were locked on the waves, the rain began to lighten... but she knew this wasn't the end. She felt a need to go and think about all that her life had been through. Her painted body was wet, her thick mane tangled and limp. She pricked her ears to the tone of his voice, but she didn't answer with words. She nodded her head slightly then looked toward her daughter... her treasure. All that she had left. The mare then looked at the charred lands, her heart sinking.
†. "Magic... I need to take a walk..."
†. The mare spoke and began to walk away. She took one last look at her daughter's beauty, not knowing it would be her last glance at her bloodline. She nuzzled the jet mare softly, and then she was gone.
†. Can you feel it? †. The jet mare allowed him to lift her head toward the small tree, and she felt her heart jump... her home would be renewed. She nodded at his words, then her dull daggers carried her toward the patch of grass. She lowered her head to graze, but picked it up to hear her mother speak. She nuzzled her mother back, not knowing it would be their last moment together. The jet mare then looked at her love... Spring was here. She could feel it already, the pain the season brought. She flicked her banner to ease the pain... but it didn't work. She thought about asking him for a foal know... but did he want one? She would wait for him to ask... that way she would know they were in it together. The mare lowered her head to graze, loving every tender blade.
[.I know this post isn't so swell... but I have no muse for two chars in the same post.]
Post by stitchedskull on Jul 10, 2006 14:19:11 GMT -5
Drift felt his heart strings tear for the mother. Why, he did not know. There was a certain love he held for her, and seeing her part hurt him deeply. Something wasn’t right, but he imagined it to only be a sense of parting, a sorrow that their bond through hardship was closing. He gave a tender nicker of good-bye to contrasted mare, then watched her frame vanish into the grey horizon. Standing tall, he waited by Magic’s side, occasionally dropping his head to crop the growing greenery. However, he made sure to save as much as he could for her.
For a long while he stood in silence, then kneeled and lay beside the small plant. He closed his eyes, sighing deeply. Before, all the lands were lush and beautiful, now they were grey and lifeless. And the foals. He had heard they were missing, but how were they getting on with food? The little ones would be nearly grown by now. Were they even alive? He shook the thoughts away. He could not think of such weary things after the three’s brush with danger.
But foals. Magic had wanted one, hadn’t she? Of course. She was heart broken when Curse left before he could grant her a bundle of joy on stilts. Perhaps it was for the better, so the youngster wasn’t a bastard. Drift hadn’t ever dreamed of making a family, but now that he had a home, and a love, it seemed to be the final piece of the puzzle.
Standing slowly, he nuzzled her withers, then pressed his brow against the base of her neck. His muzzle twisted up into a light smile of contentment. His face slid up her warm, ebon flesh, then he draped her skull across her boa, amber orbs closed gently. Barreled chest swelled, then he let it out with words.
“I love you.” He whispered quietly, raking the side of his jaw along her nape. Then her scent reached him lightly enough to liven him up. He tipped his head back, nibbling her tassels playfully, snuffling behind her ear. “I know you’ve wanted a foal.” Words were quiet, but excited, his nuzzles growing stronger and more affectionate, caused mostly by the curse the lady had on him.
Post by wolf2 on Jul 15, 2006 10:45:48 GMT -5
†. Can you feel it? †. Magic watched as Driftwood slept, how she loved him. A smile crossed her jet muzzle. Her head was low but looking toward him. Her black forelock covered her muddy pools. Her mane hung down and blew with a slight breeze. Her banner slapped her sides ridding of flies, and releasing her scent. After she was certain Driftwood would be alright, she began to graze once more. She was glad to see the grass, and was careful not to eat it all away. She picked her head up to look at the sea, where had her mother gone? Was she alright? She didn't know her mother was dead from a snake bite, and when the mare found out she would be devastated.
†. She smiled as Driftwood came around and told her the words she loved to hear. She nuzzled the side of his face. The words that can next made her heart fly. A foal? Her own foal... would this really be the season? Would it be now? She began to think about what the foal could look like, and be like... but their was only one way to find out. She had to have one. She lay her head on his back, letting go of a loving sigh.
†. "Will you bless me with one m'love..."
†. Her lyrics were deep and loving. Her black coat was dried, but still had a little mud upon it. Her white feathers were muddy... but the mare gave it no mind. Her mind was now set on the stallion before her. Would they create a foal now? Here? She was an Aunt... but she didn't know her niece was missing. Now it was time for her brother to be an Uncle, and her father a grand-sire of another foal. Her mother would also have her grand-foal she always wanted... but she would see it from the clouds. The mare walked around the stallion, stopping before him. Her muddy pools gazed into his... awaiting his answer.
Post by stitchedskull on Jul 15, 2006 15:59:35 GMT -5
(I made a picture of Magic and Drift. I'll post it tomorrow, it's on a different computer. And... I'll start it and skip the details... I don't think either of us are into horse porn.)
Tender whiskers nuzzled the dock of her whip, nipping on the sweet hide. His ember pools weres closed in contentment. Resting his jaws on her back, he opened his eyes to look up at her, taking in all her beauty.
"Of course, dear. If you have wanted one, then I do as well. It seems only right." He whispered.
Then, he straightened himself behind her, his breast pressed against her rump, his head held high. Giving a gentle jump, he placed his bulk on her hind quarters, his flints gripping her barrel firmly.
Moments later his buisness was done with a final nuzzle of her withers. He stepped back and crashed to the ashen earth, hurrying to her side. His whipcord flew high, auds raised proudly, for he had done the one things stallion's wree created for. He gave life. Drift tapped her velvets with his own, stepping sideways to let his warmth radiate onto her.
"I hope I didn't hurt you." He said quietly.
Drift Wood's heart beat heavily in his chest. Now he was placed with the wonder of the new foal. What color? He hoped it would match it's mother more than he. Boy? Girl? Frisky? Shy? Would Magic even catch? He would not worry now, for all he could do was wait.
Post by wolf2 on Jul 15, 2006 19:16:25 GMT -5
[.You know what... the baby's due date will be the same day my baby horse died... July 29th. So, the foals birth marks a year-ago Feather died. I'm a little shocked right now....]
Post by stitchedskull on Jul 15, 2006 19:42:27 GMT -5
(Aww.... that's so... sad, yet so sweet. ^^ Even though this is just an rpg... death always makes room for new life. *huggles*)
Post by wolf2 on Jul 18, 2006 19:30:43 GMT -5
†. Can you feel it? †. The ebony mare closed her muddy pools. Her thoughts drifted away to a re-newed Sandy Shores, and a foals galloping across them. Her heart began to pound... her dreams were unfolding. She would finally me a mother. She would finally have that foal she always wanted. One part of the mare's dream would never be completed... seeing her mother and the foal together. One day they all would run together agian... hopefully far from now. The oil stained mare's tassels danced in a calm breeze that washed over her. Her feathers did the same. How she wished her father could see the foal. A new thought crossed her mind... what if the foal look like him? Bringing back memories, and her time of depression. The mare shook it away... that could never happen.
†. His deep tone washed over her body, warming her. Her muddy pools opened to see her true love before her. A nod was placed upon her head. The blaze ran up her face like fire... such a beautiful trait. Her face was purely of her mother... and also her build. Her father had given her the oil stained coat and eyes filled with Spirit. A perfect mixed of them both. She had the personality of her grand-mother... but also had looks inherited from her grand-father. You could see her lines within the mare, just by looking deep into her muddy pools.
†. Magic lay her head on Driftwood's chest... as her own little thank you for the blessing he had given her. Soon her belly would swell, and she may be a little moody... but it would all be worth it. The mare stood in the silence as the sun began to go down. Darkness began to drift upon the earth... and soon stars would wash over the sky. The first night she would see them clearly.
†. "I love you more than all the stars in the sky...."
Post by wolf2 on Jul 24, 2006 8:17:00 GMT -5
Post by serrenity on Jul 24, 2006 14:04:11 GMT -5
-ooc- I thought I'd bring Curse in xD He missed Magic, and Storm. BTW he'll put up with Drifty here ^^ if you want me to delete this I can -ooc-
..//I'm A Coming Home..//
Ivory stallion danced a top the cliffs, now he was as old as his mother had been when she had brought him here.. all those memories that he had banished to the corner of his mind had decided to come back. With the arrival of old memories there was both pain and a great happiness. Forcing him to withdraw to the edge of his mind, the little line that seperating sane from the insane. He was dancing on it teetering on a rocking horse and he couldn't decide where to try and stop. Going looking for all of those he had known at one point wasn't the best idea he had ever had, especially now since they all had their own families and Curse knew he would never be invited back into them. He just wanted to see what had happened to them, if they had died or if they were still alive and living their life. He wanted to remember. Try and remember what it had been like four years ago before anything had happened and their friendship and love seemed inseperable. He was coming back to remember when..
The sight of the black mare pleased him but the ivory stallion hung back and watched the pair. The creme stallion that stood by her side had taken his place, but it was his place no longer and he had learned that. How easily it was to replace one you had at one point would have died for. Curse had done the same with Magic- finding Ghost and making a attempt at developing some sort of a bond with the mare. She was hard to read but the stallion had done things like it before. From the swell of Magic's side he knew she was pregnent. It made him smile, but inside it did not feel right. For a fleeting moment he wished it was his own but he knew well it was not and never would be. He sighed before taking a few steps forward. Eventually closing much of the distance between them. Body was powerful as it ever had been but it was covered in a lairing of scars.
He moved a bit closer and then stopped finally. Watching the two with his piercing blue eyed gaze. "Magic." her name was spoken softly, slowly. "Driftwood." he nodded to the stallion. The only respect he would ever give him was because of Magic and though his love for her had diminished to nothing more then rubble he would still show respect.
Post by extacy on Jul 24, 2006 14:26:05 GMT -5
Ghost ambled towards the cluster of horses, having followed Curse. Her svelte bodice went almost unnoticed as she approached and then sidled up to the ivory brute, brushing against him, accidently-on-purpose. 'Well well, what have we got here?' she questioned Curse, tilting her head to the side slightly. She glanced at the other horses from the corner of her chocolately orbs and smirked a little.